Brass God Idols, Ganesh ji, Ganesh Laxmi

Do’s and Don’ts for Decorating Your Home with Ganesha Idol

Placing the god idol inside the home brings good fortune and fills it up with positive energy. It also brings success, fame, and overall prosperity. Are you thinking about decorating your space with the Ganesha Idol? Well! Ensure that you know the significant things to do and not to do when decorating the home. brass Ganesha Idol for home

brass ganesh status idols

Selection of Right Material

Did you know that material accessed to craft the Ganesha idols play a vital role in bringing positive vibes? Different materials are accessed to design the Ganesha statues to get different energies and then turn them into different effects. Here is the list of materials used mostly in the Lord Ganesha statue.

  • Brass (bring prosperity and joy)
  • Silver (provide fame)
  • Wood (Improves health and success)
  • Clay (remove obstacles from life)
  • Copper (help to get the healthy child)

Trunk Direction

Whenever buying the brash ganesha Idol for home, you should ensure the quality of the idol. Give attention to all the intricate details. For example, Ganesha truck should face the left side, not the right.

However, the trunk faces the right in the Ganesha statues in the temple because it needs powerful prayers and brings two strong energies. So, never purchase the Ganesha idol, which has the right-facing trunk for decoration purposes.

Greet Your Guests 

In many homes, the entrance is decorated with the large Ganesha idols because it gives power and brings prosperity into the lives of his devotees. But, when placing the Ganesha statue at the entrance, you have to note that the statue’s back does not face any room. Such kind of direction will minimize or remove the power of the idol.

Give Some Space 

Never arrange the Ganesha statue closer to other idols. Try to give a separate cabinet for the Ganesha statue. Or ensure you give enough space for the idol with other collections. It is much better to keep at least an inch gap between all idols. Apart from improving the look, it does not reduce the powers of the idols.

Other things to consider 

While decorating the space with the Ganesha idol, you have to consider the following aspects.

  • Make sure the statue is placed in the north direction because it is very auspicious
  • Try to place one statue in your home because having multiple statues may counteract the energies

Home Decoration with brass Ganesha Idol becomes easier if you purchase the idol from a reliable online store. It displays huge collections of Lord Ganesha, Lord Shiva, and Goddess Durga and offers high-quality brass figures at an affordable rate.

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